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tamoadmin 2024-05-20 人已围观

简介One of my very good friends once said to me that there were no smart people but only curious ones. I think my friend made a very good point there. Apple had been falling of trees for thousands and tho


One of my very good friends once said to me that there were no smart people but only curious ones. I think my friend made a very good point there. Apple had been falling of trees for thousands and thousands years until Issac Newton started asking questions. Consequently, Newton discovered the Law of Universal Gravitation. Nikolaj Kopernik challenged the Geocentric Theory and profoundly published Heliocentric Theory by starting with asking a lot of questions. There are countless examples to illustrate the importance of asking questions. Questioning is a bridge to learning. With out curiosity, we tend to accept whatever we have been told and get too lazy and too comfortable to unveil the truth. As a student, I find it is very true in our daily lives. The top students in school, with no exception, are all so curious that they keep asking questions until they get satisfied answers. When you begin to doubt something and search for an answer, you will learn.

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