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简介1.英语 阅读理解/完型填空2.2018年高考《英语》完形填空答题技巧5-93.2008年上海高考英语完形填空答案4.[高考英语完形填空的答题技巧]高中英语完形填空100篇5.谁有2010到2014年安徽高考英语完形填空翻译?拜托了6.求2013湖北高考英语完形填空及阅读理解的翻译(完形要填词后的完整翻译)高考英语完形填空满分必备词汇奥风英语工作室出品第一组1.doubt n. [C U] 怀疑

1.英语 阅读理解/完型填空










1.doubt n. [C U] 怀疑;疑问;vt. 怀疑

doubtful adj. 怀疑的;不信任的;不确定的

undoubted adj.确实的;确定无疑的;

undoubtedly adv.确实地;不容置疑地;毫无疑问

2. concern n. [U] 关心;焦虑;某人感兴趣/关心的事物;vt. 涉及;使烦恼

concerned adj. 烦恼的;担心的;与……有关的

as far as sb./sth. is concerned 就某人/某事而言

be concerned about/for sth./that从句 为某事感到担心

be concerned with/in sth.与某事相关的

3. reason n. [C U]原因;理由;动机;vt. vi.思考;以理说服某人

reason for 某事的原因

reasonable adj.合理的;有道理的

4. eventually adv.最后;终于

5. refuse vt. vi. 拒绝;不接受

refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事

6. leave [] (left, left) vt. vi.离开;留下;剩下;委托

leave (left, left) vt. vi.离开;留下;剩下;委托

leave A for B 离开A地去B地

leave sb. to do sth.留下某人做某事

leave sth. to sb. 将某事交给某人处理

leave sb. sth. 留给某人某物

leave sth. adj.(open/empty/dirty) 让某物继续处于某种状态(开着/空着/脏)

leave sb./sth. +介词短语/where从句 将某人/物留在某地;使某人/物处于某种状态

7. regret vt. 遗憾;悔恨;n. [U] 遗憾;悔恨;歉意

regret to do遗憾要做某事

regret doing后悔做过的事

regretful adj. 遗憾的;悔恨的

8. pass vt.经过;通过(考试等);传递;赶上

passenger n. [C] 乘客;旅客


passage n. [C] 通道;走廊;(文章等的)一段;一节

passport n. [C] 护照

pass by 从……旁边经过;走过

9. return vt.归还;vi.回来

in return 作为回报;反过来

10. search vt. vi. 搜查(某人);细查(某地)以寻找某人或物


1. more adj.更多的(many,much比较级); pron.更多的人或物

moreover adv.此外;而且

more or less大约;差不多

2. pick vt. vi.选择;采摘

pick out 选出;(在一群人中)辨认出(某人)

pick up捡起,拾起;用车接某人;以便宜的价格买到;收到(信号);通过实践学会;(健康、天气、事业等)改善、变好

3. comfort n. [U]舒适;安逸;安慰;[C]令人感到安慰的人或物;vt.安慰(某人)

comfortable adj.舒适的

uncomfortable adj.不舒适的;不安的

comfortably adv. 舒适的;悠闲的;轻松地

4. take vt. vi.(took, taken) 拿;抓住;拿走;带走;乘坐;服用(药);得到;获得

take after在(性格、外貌上)与(父母等)相象

take on 穿上;呈现;开始从事(某事业)

take care of 照顾;照料

take over接管;接任;接替

take away拿走;夺走;外卖

take off 脱下;(飞机等)起飞;(事业)腾飞;突破变得成功或流行

mistake n. [C] 错误;误会;vt.弄错;误解;错把A当作B

by mistake 错误地;无意地

5. even adv.甚至;更加;adj. 平的

even if 即使;甚至

6. soon adv. 不久;很快;立刻;马上

soon after 不久之后;在……之后不久

7. trouble vt. 使苦恼;使忧虑;使麻烦;n. [C U] 问题;麻烦;烦恼;疾病

trouble sb. with sth.用某事麻烦某人

have trouble with sth. 在某事上有困难/麻烦

have no trouble doing sth.在做某事上(没)有困难/麻烦

in trouble限入困难/麻烦中

make trouble闹事;捣乱;捣蛋

take (the) trouble to do sth.不辞辛劳地做某事;费尽心血地做某事

8. instruction n. [C] (常用复数) 说明(书);指示

instruct vt.通知;指示;教

9. run vi. 跑,奔;行驶;流

sth. run out (某物被)用光;用尽

run out of sth.用光;用尽(某物)

run off 跑掉;迅速离开

running n.跑步

10. work vi.工作;有效n. [U]工作

work out算出(数学难题);制订出(计划等);思考并理解(某事)

英语 阅读理解/完型填空

21题选A. different。该空只有填“不同的”才能和后面的语境相搭配,即,“不同的作用和功能导致了不同的文化差异”。practical “实用的”,不符合上下文文意。

23题选C. signs。这个题要联系下文才能得出答案。空格所在处表示“一个公共建筑物有两个不同的______”,紧接着下文就讲到了“You have to push the door with the word ‘PUSH’ to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word ‘PULL’”,PUSH“推”;PULL“拉”,是我们常见的公共建筑物门上的标志,即signs。



Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank on your ANSWER SHEET.?

The United States is well?known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. ___1these wide modern roads are generally ___2 and well maintained, with___3 sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most ___4 one. Large highways often pass ___5 scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally ___6 large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with ___7traffic during rush hours, ____ 8 the "fast, direct" route becomes a very slow route.?

However, there is almost always another route to take ___9 you are not in a hurry. Not far from the ___10 new "superhighways", there are often older, ___11heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside. ___12 of these are good two lane roads; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high ___13, or down frightening hillside to towns ___14 in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places ___15 the air is clean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.?

1. A. Although B. Since C. Because D. Therefore?

2. A. stable B. splendid C. smooth D. complicated?

3. A. little B. few C. much D. many?

4. A. terrible B. possible C. enjoyable D. profitable?

5. A. to B. into C. over D. by?

6. A. lead B. connect C. collectD. communicate?

7. A. large B. fast C. high D. heavy?

8. A. when B. for C. but D. that?

9. A. unless B. if C. as D. since?

10. A. relatively B. regularly C. respectively D. reasonably?

11. A. and B. less C. more D. or?

12. A. All B. Several C. Lots D. Some?

13. A. rocks B. cliffs C. roads D. paths?

14. A. lying B. laying C. laid D. lied?

15. A. there B. when C. which D. where?


1. A) ? 2. C) ? 3. B) ? 4. C) 5. D) ? 6. B)?

7. D) ? 8. A) ? 9. B) 10. A) 11. B) 12. D)

13. B) ? 14. A) ? 15. D) ?


One supermarket in Tokyo has managed to solve the problems of shoplifting, ___1by cashiers, and long lines of customers waiting at cash registers. It is Japan's advanced computer technology that has come ___2 with the answers.

Shoppers at an OK supermarket on the outskirts of the city now push a cart ___3 a plastic card chained to it and buy from glass cases where the goods are on display. The plastic card has magnetic number imprinted on it. Each customer carries his or her own card, which is ___4 at the entrance. While shopping, the customer pushes the card into a slot beside ___5 items are wanted and pushes a button or two. The glass covered vending machines are connected to a computer that ___6 the price of every item in the store. Prices of every purchase are added up automatically. When she has finished shopping, the customer hands her card to a cashier who ___7 it to the register. A second later the total pops out. Shoplifting is physically impossible. Once you touch a commodity the computer remembers it ___8 you hide it or even if you eat it on the spot. A cashier at the OK supermarket is now able to work 15 times faster than her ___9 at a conventional supermarket. Only two cashiers, ___10, are required at the store, which sells 2,500 separate items. One man is enough to keep the vending machines filled, because of the stock for a certain commodity is ___11 to run out, a red lamp in the computer room___12 him. But there are disadvantages too: a customer cannot change his or her mind ___13 a purchase. Once ___14, the item cannot be put back. The customer must go through a cashier with it first and get a refund later. There are also no ___15 vegetables or fish on sale-everything is prepackaged.

1. A. mistakes B. made C. done D. problems

2. A. together B. up C. along D. on

3. A. with B. without C. carrying D. under

4. A. collected B. filled C. sent D. shown

5. A. those B. what C.the number D. whichever

6. A. shouts B. raises C. knows D. puts

7. A. opens B. feeds C. reads D. connects?

8. A. except B. in spite of C. no matter how D. the way

9. A. friend B. colleague C. company D. neighbour

10. A. for instance B. still C. later D. however

11. A. not yet B. about C. at least D. ready

12. A. warns B. sees C. watches D. protects

13. A. at B. making C. throughout D. about

14. A. brought B. handling C. moving D. touched

15. A. frozen B. stale C. fresh D. cooked


1. A) 此空和shoplifting, long lines为并列结构,构成介词of的宾语,因此选项B和C可以排除;而选项D problems与of结构所修饰的problems有冲突,故只有选项A为正确答案。

2. B) 此空涉及固定搭配。come up with意为“提出,跟上”。come along with意为“随同”,意义不符。

3. A) 通过分析此空所在句可知,现在光顾一家OK超市的顾客推着一辆拴有一个塑料卡片的手推车从货架上购物,因此空白处需要一个介词引导一个复杂宾语结构来修饰名词a cart,四个选项中只有with有此功能。

4. A) 根据短文,这类超市发放的带有磁码的塑料卡片由每位顾客在购物时携带,出超市时在出口处被收集回来,因此此空应选A collected “收集,回收”,其它各选项意义不符。

5. D) 根据句义(顾客不管想买哪种商品他都需要把卡片插到这种商品旁边的插口里,然后按一下按钮。)和结构(此空需要一个联接词语作介词beside的宾语)可知选项D为正确答案。

6. C) 电脑知道所有商品的价格,故C为正确答案。

7. B) 此题涉及动词意义搭配问题,feed意为“送入,插入”。

8. C) 经过分析可推断句义为“一旦你碰了一件商品,不管你把塑料片藏到哪儿,即便是吃到肚子里,电脑也会记录下来。”,从而断定答案为C。

9. B) 此句带有比较状语从句,故空白处词应与句子主语相对应。friend和neighbour不合逻辑,只有colleague为正确答案。

10. A) 此句是一例子,故答案为A。

11. B) “be about to”意为“即将发生…”。

12. A) 根据句义应为A warns。

13. A) “change one's mind at” 为固定搭配。

14. D) 根据上文可知如果你碰了某种商品,电脑就会记录下来,从而推测此句句义为“一旦你碰了某个商品,就不能放回去了。”因此本题正确答案为D。

15. C) 根据上下文可断定为C。


Mr Smith lives in the small village, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes ___1___ the same way.

One morning while he was ___2___ his newspaper on the train, a man ___3___ him came up to him. Mr Smith had not met him before. The man said,“ ___4___ ” to him and then ___5___ to talk to him. The man said, “Your ___6___ isn’t interesting, is it? You got on the same train at the same station at the same time ___7___ morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.”

When Mr Smith ___8___ this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and ___9___ to the man angrily, “How do you know all that about me?”

“Because I’m ___10___ sitting in the same seat behind you,” the man answered.

1. A. family B. house C. village D. home

2. A. seeing B. look C. reading D. finding

3. A. before B. behind C. beside D. next to

4. A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Hello D. Goodbye

5. A. refused B. stopped C. ordered D. began

6. A. life B. work C. office D. child

7. A. one B. every C. this D. yesterday

8. A. heard B. listened C. found D. felt

9. A. asked B. said C. told D. talked

10. A. never B. hardly C. always D. sometimes


1. D 表示回家是come home与前面的去上班go to work相对。

2. C 表示看书看报用read。

3. B 由文末I’m sitting in the same seat behind you可知。

4. C 从下文可知是向他召呼问好,所以是say “Hello” to him。

5. D 打了召呼后自然就会开始(began) 谈起话来。

6. A 在同一时间、同一个车站、乘同一个火车,这是种单是调泛味的生活 (life)。而不是这工作,也不是办公,更不是指小孩。

7. B 指每天早上都是如此,才会说单调泛味。

8. A 史密斯先生听到(heard) 这些话。listen指有意识在“听”,强调动作,后接宾语时要加to;hear指听的结果“听到”。

9. B say to sb对某人说。虽然后面是一个问句,但表示问某人时ask后不用to,而直接说ask sb。

10. C 因为对史密斯先生如此了解,当然是“总”总在他的后面了。


Once there was a boy in Toronto. His name was Jimmy. He started drawing when he was three years old, and when he was five he was already very ___1___ at it. He drew many beautiful interesting pictures, and many people ___2___ his pictures. They thought this boy was going to be ___3___ when he was a little older, and then they were going to ___4___ these pictures for a lot of money.

Jimmy’s pictures were quite different from other ___5___ because he never drew on all of the paper. He drew on ___6___ of it, and the other half was always ___7___.

“That’s very clever,” everybody said. “___8___ other people have ever done that before.”

One day somebody asked him, “Please tell me, Jimmy. Why do you draw on the bottom (底部) half of your pictures, ___9___ not on the top half?”

“Because I’m small,” Jimmy said, “and my brushes (毛笔) can’t ___10___ very high.”

1. A. poor B. sad C. glad D. good

2. A. bought B. brought C. sold D. took

3. A. different B. clever C. famous D. rich

4. A. buy B. show C. leave D. sell

5. A. men’s B. people’s C. boy’s D. child’s

6. A. half B. part C. side D. end

7. A. full B. empty C. wrong D. ready

8. A. No B. Some C. Any D. Many

9. A. then B. and C. but D. or

10. A. change B. turn C. pull D. reach


1. D

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. D


On Christmas Eve a few days ago, an English couple, the Hardens, got a very special call. It was only a 20-second call but it was very ____11____. The Hardens’ 15-year-old daughter has gone ___12____ six months before. On Christmas Eve she rang them. “I’m phoning to wish you a happy Christmas, ”she said, “I love you.”

Ronals and Edwine Harden were so ______13_____ that they started a special telephone service (服务)called“Alive and Well”. The service helps ______14______ to get in touch with children who have run away from home.

Young people can phone“Alive and Well”and leave a message for their parents. The telephone are answered by answering machines. So ______15_____ can speak to the child or make him return home. Parents of runaway children who are _______16_______ eighteen can ask the police to bring their children home. So children do not want to tell their parents where they are. Through “Alive and Well”they can telephone their parents and they do not ______17______ about this or giving out their addresses.

The Hardens and their helpers ______18______ the telephone messages and connect(联系)the addresses given. About 30,000 British teenagers have left home and many of them are probably in _______19_______. For only two pence(便士)they can go into a telephone coin box and call their parents. They can dial 5675339 and ______20______ a parent worry: Is he dead or alive?

11. A. interesting B.important C. difficult D. exciting

12. A. away Bout C. back D. along

13. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. kind

14. A. teachers B. people C. parents D. friends

15. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one

16. A. at B. above C. over D. under

17. A. think B. worry C. talk D. hear

18. A. ask for B. listen to C. look up D. write down

19. A. Pairs B. Tokyo C. London D. New York

20. A. stop B. make C. feel D. leave

答案:11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. A


Something frightening happened to me the other day. I was on my way home _1 school. I got off the bus and started to walk toward our 2 . Then I thought: Funny! There’s a car outside!

It was one of those big American cars. I looked inside 3 I wanted to see what they were like. At first I thought there was nobody in it. Then I saw an old man 4 on the floor of the car. He had blood all over his face. I was too frightening, so I went indoors to 5 the police.

Mum wasn’t home and I was 6 . I dialed 999 and asked for the police. A policeman wrote down my name and address. But I don’t think he believed my words. Then I 7 a car start. I looked out of the window and the American car wasn’t there any more.

The police 8 came and I still don’t know what happened to the man. But it gave me a terrible fright. My dad said it was a good 9 and he enjoyed it very much! But I was sure that it was all 10 .

( )1. A.for B.to C.at D.from

( )2. A.hotel B.school C.house D.door

( )3. A.though B.because C.while D.if

( )4. A.lying B.staying C.sitting D.thinking

( )5. A.tell B.help C.find D.telephone

( )6. A.alone B.lonely C.free D.tired

( )7. A.saw B.heard C.made D.had

( )8. A.ever B.just C.never D.once

( )9. A.lesson B.experience C.dream D.story

( )10.A.interesting B.real C.ture D.terrible




Thousands of years ago. There was a very clever king with the name of Soloman. There are many stories about him. Here is one of them which shows how clever he was. Once there were two women. They lived in the same house, and each had a baby. One night, one of the babies died, and its mother took the other woman's child, and put it in her own bed instead. The next morning they had a quarrel. "No, this is my child, the dead one is yours, " said the other. Each one wanted the living baby, but no one could tell whom it belonged to. So they went to see King Solomon. When King Solomon heard their story, he said, "Bring me a knife, cut the child in two, and give each woman one half. " "That's very fair, oh, bright King!" said the dead baby's mother. "Give her my child, let it be hers, but don't kill the child. Oh, King!" cried the other woman in tears. Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in tears and said, "Give the child to her, for she is its mother. "

根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)(10分)

55. The two women in the same house each had a child. ( )


56. One night the two babies died. ( )


57. The two women quarrelled because Solomon killed their babies. ( )


58. Solomon came to see the mothers after their babies died. ( )


59. King Solomon cut the living child in two and gave each woman one half. ( )



A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.

At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you got change for ten pence?"

"Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, "I'll see whether I can help you. "

"Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?"

"No, sir, " the old soldier answered quickly.

根据短文内容, 选择正确答案(10分)

60. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _________. ( )

A. that he was going to visit her

B. when his train would leave

C. when his train would arrive

D. that he was now at the railway station

61. He looked around for help because he _________. ( )

A. didn't have coins for the phone call

B. had no money to make the phone call

C. didn't have the local money

D. wanted to change money

62. The old soldier _________. ( )

A. was glad to help him

B. didn't know if he had coins

C. didn't want to help him

D. was angry

63. The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _________. ( )

A. didn't know how to speak to him

B. didn't want to help him

C. didn't answer him correctly

D. was not friendly to him

64. The old soldier in the story was_________. ( )

A. clever B. stupid

C. polite D. friendly





 First of all, I respected his ___3___ to teaching. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered, students crowded into his classroom.

 3. A. attention B. introduction C. relation D. devotion

 解析空格后面的句子说到教授的讲座准备充分、讲解清楚(well-prepared and clearly delivered),由此可知教授为教育做出了很大的贡献,devotion to sth意为“对……贡献……”,与下文相通。

 I put my head in, expecting the worst. But to my surprise, the room wasn’t empty at all. It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the wall. And then on the well-made bed sat Amy, my new ___44___, dressed neatly.

 A. roommate B. classmate C. neighbor D. companion

 分析名词同现,空格前出现了room, furniture, curtains, a TV等同现信息可知坐在铺好的床上的是“我”的室友。


一般而言,完形填空要填的20空中总有一些空是相对简单的。 对于这类空格考生可以先将其确定下来,之后再逐个去突破其他空。跳过那些不太容易得出答案的题。切忌做题时循规蹈矩地一个顺着一个地去完成。如:

 “Visitors!” repeated Josh, wide-awake at once. He___1___ up and looked around. A short distance away, a group of___2___ stood quietly watching us. One of them ___3___ walking toward us. We both jumped to our ___4___ not knowing what to expect.

 1. A. sat B. stayed C. thought D. put

 2. A. pilots B. natives C. editors D. assistants

 3. A. avoided B. delayed C. began D. desired

 4. A. boat B. car C. horses D. feet

 解析在通读全文的第一遍中,我们可以很容易地将第四空填出来,这是固定搭配jump to one’s feet (跳起来);由此也可推出第三空的答案,因为有人开始向“我们”走了过来,所以“我们”才跳了起来;再根据第一空前面的wide-awake可知,此处指的应该是“我和Josh完全清醒,坐起来,环顾四周”,所以第一空的答案为A;最后,根据句首Visitors可推知第二空的答案为B。



 The woman looked carefully at me ___5___ through her glasses, and then questioned me in a low voice.

 5. A. as usual B. for a while C. in a minute D. once again

 解析这篇文章讲述的是没有工作经验的作者找到工作的故事。此题的解题关键词是carefully,既然是“认真地看”,就不会是in a minute (立刻、马上);既然互不相识,作者也未曾去找过工作,不会是as usual(像往常一样);前面没说已经打量过作者一次了,所以用once again(再一次)是不合理的。

 He put the books into the return box. And after a brief ___6___ in the toilet, he would be on his way to the playground to meet Eric.

 6. A. rest B. break C. walk D. stop

 解析此题答案为D。人不可能在厕所里休息(rest, break)或是散步(walk),由此排除另外三个选项。

 When I started playing ___19___ him, he told me I needed to relax because I looked nervous.

 19. A. at B. by C. for D. around

 解析此题用排除法,by 和around都有“在……旁边”的意思,要选都要选,故排除这两个答案,play at后接游戏名,是“做……游戏”的意思,也可排除。故答案为C。

 14. A. don’t B. couldn’t C. can’t D. do

 解析Why don’t you do sth?是表示建议的固定句型,意为“为何不……?”。



 (1) 句中逻辑关系

 Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and___45___nitrogen. They are different in that their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin performs one or more specific functions in the body.

 45. A. mostly B. partly C. sometimes D. rarely

 解析短文中的usually和and是本题逻辑推理的线索。And前后构成了并列关系,即and前的 usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen 这些维生素成分和and 后面的 nitrogen 成分形成并列关系,相应修饰 carbon, hydrogen, oxygen 的usually必然和修饰 nitrogen 的45空的词构成一一对应的逻辑关系。鉴于此,在45空考虑填入的应是和usually相对应的频度副词,而语义与usually略有不同。mostly 和partly都表示了部分、量的含义,与频度无关。rarely(很少地,罕有地)虽表示了频度关系,但其意义与usually相反,不符合一一对应的一致性,因此排除。只有C项sometimes(不时,有时)恰到好处地表示了and前后两部分的逻辑对应。故选C。

 (2) 句间逻辑关系


 Ms Cleveland does not keep her workers on a short leash. ___13___, she encourages them to get ___14___ ways to do business.

 13. A. Still B. Yet C. Instead D. While

 解析根据前后句子的意思可推出两句间的逻辑关系是转折,意思是“Old Mr Cleveland把工人用带子捆 绑起来(没有任何自由),而她不那样,相反(instead)她鼓励雇员”。

 There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as a separate area of activity. Many artists, ___1___ would prove that there has always been a warm relationship between the various areas of human activity.

 1. A. therefore B. however C. moreover D. otherwise


 (3) 段间逻辑关系


 Not everyone sees that process in perspective. It is important to do so.

 It is generally recognized, ___29___, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, although its impact in the media was not immediately apparent.

 29. A. indeed B. hence C. however D. therefore

 解析这里有两种情况,第一可能是第二段前后的逻辑体现;第二就是段落的前后衔接。但是,这个题出现在第二段的第一句 ,那么,从完形填空注重逻辑关系的命题思路来看,我们优先考虑第二种情况。前段末句意为“不是每个人都能够正确看待这个进程”。而第二段首句为“大家普遍认为”,显然这两者之间存在了逻辑意义上的相反,此处可能体现了一种转折关系。故选C。



 After ___2___ the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves before they started the 950-mile journey back.

 2. A. growing B. putting C. planting D. laying


 Salina Joe began to ___2___ when she was one-year old.

 2. A. say B. cry C. sing D. talk


 Every morning she would give him breakfast in bed and bring him the paper to 30

 A. check B.read C. keep D.sign


 Owning springs and streams sometimes means control, particularly in the 37 areas like the desert.

 37. A. dry B. distant C. deserted D. wild



People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and playing with others. However, playing sports can have __50 effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been __51 at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad __52 of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive.

Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main _53 of too much aggression ill children's sports. They believe children _54 _ aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further strengthened through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that__55 is everything. Many parents go to children's sporting events and shout __56 _ at other players or cheer when their child behaves __57__. As well, children arc even taught that hurting other players is _ 58 or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured _59 , the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.

As a society, we really need to 60 this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches _61 should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better__62 . They should not just cheer when children win or act aggressively. They should teach children to __63 _ , themselves whether they win or not. Besides, children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. If adults allow children to play when injured, this gives the message that __64 is not as important as winning.

50. A. restrictive B. negative C. active D. instructive

51. A. knocked B. glanced C. smiled D. shouted

52. A. impression B. concept C. taste D. expectation

53. A. resource B. cause C. course D. consequence

54. A. question B. understand C. copy D. neglect

55. A. winning B. practising C. fun D. sport

56. A. praises B. orders C. remarks D. insults

57. A. proudly B. ambitiously C. aggressively D. bravely

58. A. acceptable B. impolite C. possible D. accessible

59. A. By contrast B. In addition C. As a result D. After all

60. A. look up to B. face up to C. make up for D. come up with

61. A. in particular B. in all C. in return D. in advance

62. A. techniques B. means C. values D. directions

63. A. respect B. relax C. forgive D. enjoy

64. A. body B. fame C. health D. spirit

50. B 51.D 52. A 53. B 54. C

55. A 56. D 57. C 58. A 59. B

60. B 61.A 62. C 63. D 64. C


摘 要: 在上海高考英语卷中,完形填空一直因为其难度大、区分度高成为历年高考得分率较低的题型。该题型测试的不是学生孤立的词汇或句法知识,而是注重词汇在语境中的应用及学生对整篇文章的理解把握能力。本文针对完形填空的答题特点及如何在日常学习过程中进行有效训练,对该题型的应试能力提出一些简单的看法。

关键词: 上海高考 完形填空 有效训练



第一种境界,即对学生来说基本的要求是学生需掌握基本单词及短惯用语的意思。这样学生在答题过程中,才能把基本的分数拿到手。例如:Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to those lost opportunities and calculate the ?摇55?摇 implications.55.A.culture B.social C.financial D.economical(2011上海卷)纵观全文不难理解该句的意思应为“直到现在一些组织才开始意识到失去的机会并开始计算由其带来的经济上或财政上的影响。”一些考生很轻松地排除了AB两个选项,但在区分后两个选项时发生了困难。印象中financial,economical都是形容词,意思似乎都和“经济,财政”有关。这就暴露出他们平常基础知识掌握不牢固的弱点。如若清楚地知道“economical”意思为“节约的,节俭的”就不难排除D选项,从而得出正确答案。又如:As a society,we really need to ?摇60?摇 this problem and do something about it.(2008上海卷)60.A.look up to B.face up to C.make up for D.come up with平日的学习中学生应掌握四个短语的中文意思依次是:A.尊重敬仰(某人);B.勇敢地对付,面对;C补偿,弥补;D追上,赶上;想出(主意);找出(答案),这样就很容易选出正确答案B,全句意思应为:“作为一个社会,我们真的需要勇敢地面对这一问题并为此做一点事情。”

做完形填空的第二种境界是不仅要知道一些单词和短语的意思,还要知道它们的习惯用法,做到“既知其一,又知其二”。如“enough”“adequate”这两个单词均有“足够的,充分的”意思,但前者除了有形容词的用法之外,还可以用作代词,直接放在动词后面。再如“suggest”“advise”这两个动词都有“建议”的意思,但后接不定式时,英语的惯用法是“advise sb.to do sth.”,不可说“suggest sb. to do sth.”,但纵观近几年的高考完形填空,已经不再考查学生语法方面的知识了,而是从语义搭配、结构搭配、惯用搭配,以及逻辑知识等方面测试学生对词汇的掌握及应用。

在实际的做题过程中,学生们常常会有这种体会,即每个选项的意思和用法已经正确掌握了,但依然无法得出正确的答案,这就涉及做完形填空的第三种境界也是最高境界,我们要对某句话,甚至是通篇文章有正确全面的理解与把握,并通过逻辑的思考、合理的分析,从而得出正确的判断。如: Research in the US found that a five per cent decrease in the number of defecting (流失的) customers led to ?摇57?摇 increases of between 25 and 85 per cent.57.A.cost B.opportunity C.profit D.budget (2011上海高考卷)这句话中含有一个that引导的宾语从句,对从句的意思的理解决定了学生的选择。许多学生误以为减少的是顾客,因而判断商家做生意的“成本”或“预算”增加,进而选了A或D选项,但其正确理解应为“流失顾客数量的减少”,换言之应为“回头客增多”,应该带来“利润”的增加,所以正确答案应为C选项。又如:The degree of ?摇60?摇 between the potential helper and the person in need is also important.60.A.similarity B.friendship C.cooperation D.contact(2012上海卷)仅从这一句话,我们很难判断正确选项是哪一个,但只需向下看文章“For example,people are more likely to help a stranger who is from the same country rather than a foreigner.”明白人们更愿意帮助的是一个和自己来自相同国家的陌生人,而不是一个外国人,也就是一个和自己有着同样肤色,同样语言,同样的文化背景和风俗习惯的人,那本题答案就应该选A“相似性”了。









Most people give little thought to the Pens they write with, especially since the printer. In modern homes and offices mean that very 36 things are handwritten.All too often,people buy a pen based only on 37 ,and wonder why they are not satisfied 38 They begin to use it.However,buying a Pen that you'11 enjoy is not 39 if You keep the following in mind.

First of all.a pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be 40 to use.The thickness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征) 4l comfort.Having a small hand and thick fingers,you may be comfortable with a thin pen. If you have a 42 hand and thicker fingers,you may 43 a fatter pen.The length of 8 pen call 44 influence comfort.A pen that is t00 45 can easily feel top-heavy and unstable.

Then,the writing point of the pen should 46 the ink to flow evenly(均匀地)while the pen remains in touch with the paper. 47 will make it possible for you to create a 48 line of writing. The point should also be sensitive enough to 49 ink from running when the pen is lifted.A point that does not block the 50 may leave drops of ink, 51 you pick the pen up and put it down again.

52,the pen should make a thick, dark line. Fine—line pens may 53 bad handwriting,but fine,delicate lines do not command 54 next to printed text,as, 55 ,a signature on a printed letter. A broad line ,on other hand,gives an impression of confidence and authority (权威).

36. A. many B. few C. pleasant D. important 37. A.1ooks B. reason C. value D. advantages 38. A. once B. if C. because D. though 39. A. convenient B. easy C. hard D. difficult 40. A. heavy B. easy C. hard D. safe

41. A. taking B. finding C. determining D. seeking

42. A. stronger B. weaker C. Smaller D.1arger

43. A. prefer B. recommend C. prepare D. demand

44. A. hardly B. allow C. never D. Still

45. A. thick B. 1ight C.1ong D. soft

46. A. change B. allow C. reduce D. press

47. A They B. One C. This D. Some

48. A thin B. rough C. black D. Smooth

49. A prevent B. free C. protect D. Remove

50. A way B. Sight C. flow D. Stream

51. A so B. as C. and D. Yet

52. A Meanwhile B. Generally C. Afterwards D. Finally

53. A show up B. differ from C. Break down D. compensate for

54. A attention B. support C. respect D. Admission

55. A at most B. For example C. in brief D. on purpose

2011年When I begin planning to move to Auckland to study, my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these ___36___, I got there in July 2010. __37__ I arrived, I realized the importance of getting a job __38__ my living experience. Determined to do this __39__ , I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job, but found __40__ response(回应).

One afternoon, I walked into a building to ask __41__ there were my job opportunities(机会). The people there advised me not to continue my job search in that __42__. As I was about to __43__, a man who had been listening approached me and asked me to wait outside __44__. Nearly ten minutes later, he __45__. He asked me about my plans and encouraged me to stay __46__. Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to __47__ a job.

I was a little surprised, but had a __48__ feeling about him. Along the way, I realized that I had __49__ resumes(简历). Seeing this, the man __50__ at his business partner’s office to make me fifteen __51__ copies. He also gave me some __52__ on dressing and speaking. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very __53__. The following day, I received a __54__ from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.

It seems that the world always __55__ to you when you need it. And this time, it was a complete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.

36.A.doubts B.concerns C.instructions D.reasons

37.A.Even if B.Every time C.Now that D.Soon after

38.A.of B.at C.for D.with

39.A. on my own B.on my way C.by any chance D.by the day

40.A.any B.much C.some D.little

41.A.why B.wherever C.whether D.whenever

42.A.direction B.attitude C.language D.manner

43.A.answer B.work C.leave D.refuse

44.A.for ever B.at any time C.as usual D.for a while

45.A.returned B.hesitated C.passed D.regretted

46.A.silent B.busy C.positive D.comfortable

47.A. pick out B.search for C.take on D.give up

48.A.dull B.good C.guilty D.general

49.A.made use of B.taken care of C.run out of D.become tired of

50.A.stopped B.knocked C.glanced D.appeared

51.A.right B.more C.former D.different

52.A.pressures B.agreements C.impressions D.suggestions 53.A.lonely B.funny C.disappointed D.satisfied

54.A.call B.tip C.present D.report

55.A.turns off B.goes over C.gives back D.looks up


When I settled in Chicago,my new city seemed so big and unfriendly, Then I had a 36 problem and had to go to hospital for a 37 examination.

It seemed a small 38 compared to the one I was about to face ,but things started to go 39 right from the beginning , Not having a car or 40 the city, I was depending on a couple of buses to get me from A to B, 41 I’d left myself plenty of time, soon it was 42 I was going to be late, as I had mistakenly boarded a bus that was taking me in the 43 direction.

I 44 the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to do, I looked into the eyes of a 45 , who was trying to get past me, 46 , instead of moving on ,she stopped to ask if I was 47 , After I explained my 48 to her, she pointed to a bus stop across the street , where a bus would take me back into the city to my 49 . Sitting there waiting, I felt 50 that someone had been willing to help . 51 , hearing a horn (喇叭) nearby, I looked up to see a car with my new friend 52 at me to get in, She had returned to offer me a 53 to the hospital.

Such unexpected 54 from a passer-by was a lovely gift to receive. As I climbed out of the car at the hospital and turned to thank her, she smiled and told me not to lose 55 , for all things are possible.

36. A. physical B. traveling C. social D. housing

37. A. scientific B. final C.previousD. thorough

38A. chance B. challenge C. success D. error

39. A. wrong B. easy C. fast D. ahead

40. A. leaving B. visiting C. knowing D. appreciating

41. A. Although B. Since C. Unless D. Once

42. A. strange B. necessary C. obvious D. important

43. A. same B. right C. general D. opposite

44. A. looked at B. waited for C. got off D. ran into

45. A. driver B. friend C. stranger D. gentleman

46. A. Especially B. Surprisingly C. Probably D. Normally

47. A. nervous B. excited C. OK D. dangerous

48. A. idea B. motivation C. excuse D. situation

49. A. appointmentB. apartment C. direction D. station

50A. afraid B. grateful C. certain D. disappointed

51. A. Thus B. Then C. Perhaps D. Surely

52. A. staring B. laughing C. waving D. shouting

53. A. lift B. suggestion C. bike D. guidebook

54. A. results B. news C. kindness D. appearance

55. A. Power B. Faith C. Touch D.Support


If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a ___36_____ reason, such as your job or your studies?___37____ perhaps you’re interested in the ___38____ ,films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a ___39____ of the language.

Most people learn best using a variety of ___40____, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They ___41___ an environment where you can practice under the ___42___ of someone who’s good at the language. We all lead ___43___ lives and learning a language takes __44___. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a ___45___. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes __46____.

Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too __47___,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more __48___ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any ___49___. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. I’ve also heard people ___50___ about the mistakes they make when ___51___. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes __52____ you’re much less likely to make them again.

Learning a new language is never ___53___. But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be ___54____ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in ___55___ own language. Good luck!

36. A. technical B. political C. practical D. physical

37. A. After B. So C. Though D. Or

38.A literature B. transport C.agriculture D. medicine

39.A view B. knowledge C. form D. database

40.A paintings B. regulations C. methods D. computers

41.A. protect B. change C. respect D. provide

42.A. control B. command C. guidance D. pressure

43.A. busy B. happy C. simple D. normal

44.A. courage B. time C. energy D. place

45.A. theory B. business C. routine D. project

46.A. some risks B. a lot less C. some notes D. a lot more

47.A. old B. nervous C. weak D. tired

48.A. closely B. quickly C. privately D. quietly

49.A. age B. speed C. distance D. school

50.A. worry B. hesitate C. think D. quarrel

51.A. singing B. working C. bargaining D. learning

52.A. if B. and C. but D. before

53.A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy

54.A. blamed B. amazed C. interrupted D. informed

55.A. their B. his C. our D. your



Zigfried, a little mouse, blew his breath on the frosty window of the farmhouse and rubbed it to see the outside. Still nobody came. Maybe today, he thought 31 . It was only a few days before Christmas and he was watching for a miracle (奇迹)。

This farmhouse had been 32 too long. It needed a family. Zigfried’s

33 made a noise. He realized that he hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday. He jumped from the windowsill (窗沿), grabbed a 34 from his home, and went next door to Farmer Mike’s。

Farmer Mike’s house had been a great place for the little mouse 35 the farmer married a wife who had a cat. Zigfried 36 when he thought of it. He looked around cautiously as he 37 into the room where grain was stored and was quite 38 as he filled his bag with wheat. He was turning to leave when suddenly he 39 a hot breath about his ear. His heart beat 40 , and without thinking he started to run and luckily 41 the cat’s paws (爪子)。

The next afternoon Zigfried heard some good news: a 42 family would be moving into the farmhouse soon. Zigfried’s granny would arrive on Christmas Eve to

43 with him. He hoped that the family would come before his granny came. Before long, a car came 44 the road leading to the house, with butter sandwiches, cheese and chocolate。

Zigfried’s Christmas miracle did arrive!

The house came 45 the next few days. Zigfried 46 every single hour of them. 47 , the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a 48 smile at the door of his home, he heard the 49 of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas. What? A cat? The 50 froze on his face; his mouth fell wide open. After a long while, he at last found his voice: “Hey! Whose Christmas miracle is this?”

31. A. carefully B. excitedly C. hopefully D. proudly

32. A. shabby B. noisy C. messy D. empty

33. A. mouth B. nose C. stomach D. throat

34. A. bag B. stick C. bowl D. coat

35. A. although B. until C. whereas D. unless

36. A. leapt B. sniffed C. trembled D. withdrew

37. A. broke B. marched C. paced D. stole

38. A. curious B. nervous C. pitiful D. sensible

39. A. took B. released C. felt D. drew

40. A. strongly B. irregularly C. slowly D. wildly

41. A. escaped B. seized C. rubbed D. scratched

42. A. close B. happy C. new D. young

43. A. celebrate B. communicate C. compete D. compromise

44. A. across B. from C. off D. up

45. A. alive B. loose C. open D. still

46. A. counted B. enjoyed C. missed D. wasted

47. A. However B. Instead C. Moreover D. Therefore

48. A. bitter B. forced C. polite D. satisfied

49. A. introduction B. discussion C. comment D. debate

50. A. blood B. smile C. tear D. sweat

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