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简介1.高考英语短文改错(不分行的) 跪求高考英语试题分类汇编——改错1.(10四川)An English lady was finally decided that she really should 66_______learn to drive, And after many attempts, she past her 67_______driving test an

1.高考英语短文改错(不分行的) 跪求




An English lady was finally decided that she really should 66_______

learn to drive, And after many attempts, she past her 67_______

driving test and told her husband that,to release, he 68_______

was going to drive him over to France for a holiday, But 69_______

then a week after the trip, she suddenly announced that 70_______

they wouldn’t take the holiday. “How did you change your 71_______

mind?” he asked her by surprise. “Well,it is all because 72_______

of the business of driving on right.” She said, “I have 73______

been practicing for three weeks now, but I still couldn’t 74______

get used to it-in fact, I’ve nearly killed three peoples。” 75______

66. 答案:去掉finally 前的was 解析:lady与decide 之间为主动关系

67. 答案:past→passed 解析:此处意为“通过”,应使用pass的过去式

68. 答案:he→she 解析:此处应为妻子要带丈夫去法国,应用女性的人称代词

69. √

70. 答案:after→before 解析:此处应为在此次旅行之间,妻子就因不适应右侧驾驶改变了主意

71答案:How→Why 解析:此处为丈夫对妻子突然改变主意不理解,而询问原因

72. 答案:by→in 解析:in surprise 为固定搭配,意为“惊奇地,惊讶地”

73. 答案:right→the right 解析:方位名词前腰加定冠词

74. 答案:couldn’t→can’t 解析:此处应为目前还不是要右侧驾驶,应用现在时。

75. 答案:peoples→people 解析:不可数名词


It was a chance of a lifetime to win the first 76_______

prize on the Story Writing Show. All I had to do 77_______

was to write a story or present it. My teachers 78_______

have been telling me how great my writing was. 79_______

So if they had said was true, I would have a chance 80_______

of winning the prize . What were better , I had useful 81._______

help . There was Uncle Chen , gentleman living 82._______

near my house , who was a very much famous writer 83._______

He agreed to reading my story and give me some 84._______

advices on how to write like a real writer 85._______

76. 正确。

77. on改为in, in…show “在…节目里”。

78. or改为and,or表选择,and表顺接和并列。

79. have改为had,上下文时态要一致。

80. if后加what,what引导主语从句,在句中意思为“…的话”

81. were 改为was,不可数名词谓语动词用单数。

82. gentleman前加a,gentleman是可数名词。

83. much去掉,“非常出名”,very修饰形容词,very much修饰动词。

84. reading改为read,agree to do sth.“同意做某事”。

85. advices改为advice,advice是不可数名词。





修改:在错的词下划一横线( ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once. Then

she bent down and picked ^ up to look at a price on it. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on his

T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! My sister wanted ^ get out of the shop

as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It w\as turned out to be her own cup,

that she’d left on the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister,

for I just thought it was funny!

My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once. Then


she bent down and picked ^ up to look at a price on it. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on his

it the her

T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! My sister wanted ^ get out of the shop

Hard to

as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It was turned out to be her own cup,

that she’d left on the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister,

which embarrassed

for I just thought it was funny!



Christie was one of my best friend at high school 76._______

At that time, we often spend time together. 77._______

Thank to her help, I made great progress in my 78._______

study. Last year, she decided to study abroad. In 79._______

other words, we would be separated for long time. 80._______

Before her leaving off, I prepared a gift to show 81._______

my best whishes to him. She said it was the best 82._______

gift she has ever had. From then on, we’ve 83._______

kept touch with another through e-mails. I 84._______

look forward to see her again in the near future. 85._______


76. friend → friends. one of 后接名词复数

77. spend →spent. At that time表示过去发生的事情

78. Thank →Thanks. Thanks to 是固定短语,“多亏了,因为”

79. √

80. for a long. For a long time表示“一段时间”,固定短语

81. 去掉off. leave 已经表示离开之意,off多余

82. him →her. 代词使用要一致。

83. has →had.时态错误,应为过去完成时。

84. kept ∧in touch 固定短语keep in touch with表示“与人保持联系”

85. see →seeing. look forward to中的to是介词,后接动词时要用动名词形式。








Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much about

her except for that she was strange. she didn’t talk many .her hair was black

and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in the

summer .she was ,in fact, rather attractively, and she never seemed ^care what

the rest if us thought about her like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t really

together that I begin to understand why Christine dressed the way she did .

Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much about

her except for that she was strange. she didn’t talk many .her hair was black

去掉for 解析:except that中不能再用for。

many→much 解析:修饰动词talk应该用much,此处是副词,many没有此用法。

and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in the


although→even 解析:although是连词,不能修饰介词短语,even可以

summer .she was ,in fact, rather attractively, and she never seemed ^care what

attractively→attractive解析:做表语,用形容词 seemed →seemed to 解析:seem后用带to的不定式

the rest if us thought about her like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t really

classmate→classmates 解析:名词需用复数

want to get closest to her . it was only when we did their chemistry project

closest→close 解析get是连系动词,后跟形容词 their→our解析:人称和前面一致

together that I begin to understand why Christine dressed the way she did .

begin→begin 解析:时态前后不一致


Here is my idea about how a friend is like. Firstly, 76.._______

a friend is someone you can share your secrets. If you 77.._______

tell him a secret, never will he talks about it with anybody 78.._______

else. Besides, a friend is always good listener when you 79.._______

need one. After hear your sad stories, he will say some 80.._______

words that is nice and warm. Still, your happiness makes 81.._______

him happily too. What’s more, a good friend is willing to 82.._______

offer the help to which you need, or can at least give you 83.._______

some advices. In a word, friends are those you like and 84.._______

trust, and you will enjoy every minute that you spent with 85.._______



76. how what,由what引导宾语从句,从句中like缺宾语。

77. 在secret之后加with,share sth. with sb.

78. talks talk,will后须加动词原形。

79. 在always之后加a,listener是可数名词,且是泛指。

80. hear hearing,after是介词,后接名词或动词-ing形式。

81. is are,that代指先行词words,所以谓语动词要用复数。

82. happily happy,形容词作宾语补足语。

83. 去掉to,which you need作定语,意为:提供你所需的帮助。

84. advices advice,advice是不可数名词。

85. spent spend,前后时态须一致。


After shopping, Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch. I notice Mother looking at a

nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple. They are silently, and it was clearly

that things were not going well. As we left, Mother stopped on their table. “Excuse me,” she said,

put her arm around the unhappy old woman. “You remind me so many of my mother. May I hug ”

(拥抱) you?” The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it. After we left, I said, “That was

very nice of you, Mother. So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.” “Neither did me.” said

Mother cheerfully. k*s5u

1. notice 改为noticed 解析:本文的时间都是一般过去时态。

2. occupy改为occupied

解析:此处是分词短语作后置定语,occupy 与table是被动关系,故应用过去分词。

3. young之前加上a。考点:解析:从下文可知是一对夫妇,所以需加冠词。


5. on改为by或at。考点:解析:被桌子挡住了,应用by或at。


7. many改为much。考点:解析:此处是回忆,不可数名词,所以用many。

8. 去掉to。考点:解析:accept之后不需要接to。

9. So 改为But。考点:解析:根据前后关系,应表示转折关系。


高考英语短文改错(不分行的) 跪求


Cats are animals of habit. They like to go to sleep about sametime every day but for a certain length of time. They seem to have a naturalclock inside it that tells them how to sleep. Besides their regularly sleep,cats take naps(打盹). Some scientists think that people should also take cat naps.The habit would do good for people's health. Cat naps helped build up energy inthe body. Since cats have moods(情绪) like these of people, scientists believe that people canimprove their moods with cat-napping. People might become more happier and moreactive.


A man shot the two students died and wounded five other at anAustralian university on Monday after he was overpowered (制服) by classmates of the victims.The two dead were all males of Asian appearance at their early 20s. The othershave being treated for minor injuries. The man, in his mid-30s or of Asianappearance, was seized by several students in classroom at Monash University,Melbourne andwas late arrested.


When I first learned to write in English, I ran into muchdifficulties. The main problem was that I always thought in Chinese and triedto translate anything into English. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. Ifollowed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. Soon I beganto enjoy talk to myself as I was learning to express me in simple English. Oneday I wrote a story and showed to my teacher. He liked it very much that hereads it to the class. All said that the story was a good one. Their word werea great encouragement to me .


The winter holiday,when I am looking forward to, is coming. What fun it is to have sports! Playfootball is one of my hobby. I can also ride my bicycle, climb high mountains,or go skating. Sometime I can play the chess with Grandfather. How interestedmy holiday will be! But my father is always afraid I would be hurt by a truck, fall into water, and fall off a tree.He is afraid I would fight against others or taken away by bad men. But if I’m friendly and carefully enough, howwill these things happen? I must trybest to persuade my father.


Tom had retired and lived lonely a long way from town. He hardlynever left his home. But one day he went to town buy some things in the market,and after he had bought it, he went into a restaurant and sit down at a tableby himself. When he looked around, he saw several old peoples put up glassesbefore reading their newspapers. So after the lunch he decided to go to a storeto buy himself a pair of glasses, either, He walked along a wide street andfast found a store.


My parents were all standing there, shouting at each other. The word "divorce(离婚)" was repeated and broke myheart each time. I had trapped between them and didn't know what to do. Amillion thoughts rushed into my mind, but nothing of them could ease myfeelings. I rushed back to my room, seated down in silence and stared out ofthe window. The leaves were floated in the air. They struggled trying to catchthe wind and finally they had to fall on the ground.I knew I was not the onlyone had gone through this. But I must learn to fight against this. Later in theday I took up with a pen and wrote down "It is until I take a step backand look at my family thatI can really appreciate life. All of this has helped me grow strongly andmature(成熟)."


Dear editor,

In the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and green grass can be seen everywhere.In order to build house and grow more crops, people cut down more and moretrees. With time went on, the whole forest was almost destroyed. Gradually thegreen hills have changed into wasteland. As a result, sandstorms struck us nowand then, from that we suffer a lot. However, I do hope all the people shouldrealize the terribly result of not caring about our environment. What's more,they should take good care of the forests and plant trees instead cutting themdown to improve our living conditions.


When I found out that my train would three hours late, I decidedto get a bus instead. I was about to rush out of the train station while awell-dressed old man took me by my arm, "Young lady," said thegentleman, "Shouldn't you find out the bus schedule (时刻表) before you rush out to catch the bus?". I stared to him with mymouth opened. How did he read my mind? Before I can say a word, he added, "Yousee, my train is also running lately. The same idea came to me. But I think agood conversation that can help pass the time. Before you know it, your trainwill be there."


Dear Kang Li,

I haven't heard you for a long time. How are you? I had justfinished the exams. Now I'm glad I have time to write for you. Our teachertells us that Chinais a big country has the most population in the world. It's on the other sideof the world. Now the sun is shining bright here and perhaps you're sleeping inthe dark night. I wish to know anything more about the Chinese way of living. Iwonder at if you can tell me about it in your next letter. Please writing soon.


I visited the zooyesterday, and I was very unhappy and angry about the things what I saw. Thelarge animals were in small cages. The lion was walking back and forth. It wascompletely boring. The tiger fell asleep all the afternoon. I see peoplefeeding the fish. They were throwing rices and meat into the pond, which couldkill the fish, but no one tried stop them. When I had the drink at the zoorestaurant, the waiter served me rude. Outside the restaurant, the rubbish binswere full and rubbish was blowing everywhere. It seems that the zoo doesn't look the animals or the visitors verywell.



增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号( ),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。






Dear classmates,

I’ll tell you everything about my future.Every one of US is thinking about the future.Do you know what that mine is? I have decided to become the middle school teacher.Does it sound surprising? I have this dream when I was only a child.I love children.

As we all can see,teachers are great needed in our country,especially in the country side.Many parents want his children to be well—educated,and they don’t want them to be teachers.Perhaps one of the main reason is that teachers work too hard but get too little.In spite that,I am determined to devote all my life to teach in my hometown.


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