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简介1.08英语高考题四川卷答案2.2005英语高考全国卷3选择18题解答3.2009年山东英语高考完形填空题目及其答案!4.2013年山东高考英语试题及答案5.高考英语阅读理解带答案6.上海高中英语阅读理解及答案参考答案 Ks5u 第一部分: 听力理解(共两节, 30分) Ks5u 第一节(共5小题: 每小题1. 5分, 共7. 5分) Ks5u 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5.








参考答案 Ks5u

第一部分: 听力理解(共两节, 30分) Ks5u

第一节(共5小题: 每小题1. 5分, 共7. 5分) Ks5u

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C Ks5u

第二节(共15小题: 每小题1. 5分, 共22. 5分) Ks5u

6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B Ks5u

11. B 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. C Ks5u

16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. C Ks5u

第二部分: 知识运用(共两节, 45分) Ks5u

单项填空(共15小题: 每小题1分, 共15分) Ks5u

21. C 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. D Ks5u

26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C Ks5u

31. D 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. A Ks5u

完形填空(共20小题: 每小题1. 5分, 共30分) Ks5u

36. C 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. A Ks5u

41. C 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A Ks5u

46. D 47. B 48. C 49. B 50. A Ks5u

51. D 52. B 53. D 54. A 55. C Ks5u

第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题: 每小题2分, 共40分) Ks5u

56. C 57. B 58. C 59. D 60. D Ks5u

61. D 62. C 63. B 64. B 65. A Ks5u

66. D 67. C 68. A 69. B 70. A Ks5u

71. A 72. A 73. B 74. C 75. D Ks5u

第四部分: 书面表达(共两节, 35分) Ks5u

情景作文(20分) Ks5u

内容要求: Ks5u

骑车去植树 Ks5u

植树 Ks5u

安插指示牌 Ks5u

照相 Ks5u

二、说明: Ks5u

内容要点可用不同方式表达。 Ks5u

三、One possible version: Ks5u

Green Action in Our Class Ks5u

April 12 is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. Some were digging holes. Some were carrying and planting young trees. Others were watering them. After getting the work done, we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees. Before leaving we took some photos to record our green action. Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a sense of achievement. We feel it's our duty to protect and beautify our environment. Ks5u

第二节 开放作文(15分) Ks5u

One possible version:

What an interesting picture! A Western young man, sitting at a table, is ready to eat a bowl of noodles. He is holding two forks the same way as we Chinese hold chopsticks. He is trying so hard to pick up the noodles that he is sweating a lot. At first glance, I think it's a bit funny, for we Chinese take for granted that chopsticks are the tools for eating noodles. The man in the picture is trying to copy us. Obviously he is doing it the hard way. Maybe using one fork will do a better job. In my opinion, we don't need to copy other's ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way.


1. 答案:C

解析:以往此类型题作为天津卷的例题出现,今年作为第一题考查。祈使句的用法考查。祈使句(表条件)and 主句(表结果)。译:给我一次机会,我将给你一个大大的惊喜。

2. 答案:B




A资源。B意义 C结果 D根源


解析:状语从句的考查。状语从句做题的根本是清楚前后两个句子的逻辑关系即可。根据句意:一个健康的饮食习惯,减肥将会变得更加容易一些。由此可见D项表示一旦,更加符合题意。A除非 B尽管 C在…之前

5 答案:A

解析:非谓语考查。Only to do的意思是结果却发现,表示与前句是意向之外的结果。句意:她内心充满焦虑的把打开裙子包装,然后穿在了身上,结果却发现这条裙子并不适合自己。


解析:词组辨析 in的词组在高考的考查中是很常见的,所以请考生们多注意。A是对…作出回应 B除了 C.对…负责 D代替。句意可知 除了学校,这个小村庄还有一个诊所,也是由政府出资建立的。。


解析:非谓语作状语。由选项可知此题是考查非谓语。分析后句的主语是the book可知book和write的关系是被动,所以排除A和B。D项是正在被写的意思,有句意可知书已经写完才能鼓舞孩子们。

8 答案:A

解析:冠词的考查。句意:生活就像一片海洋,ocean是元音因素开头所以用an。后句是一个抽象词表示一类人,the strong-willed类似于我们之前学过的the rich和the poor一样。

9.答案: B

解析:单词辨析。此题关键在于看清后面的介词to。固定搭配attach great importance to的意思是非常重视。根据句意,我的父母总总是非常重视我收到良好的教育。


解析:情景交际。前句问道,你学英语有多长时间了?回答是大约四个月了。根据后面的句子你的英语如此的好,说明问话人表示惊讶。所以选A不会是真的吧(开玩笑呢吧) B 你对了/你成功了。C我很同意你 D、我被困住了/我很乐意。



12 答案:B。

解析:考查定语从句。which可以作为定语从句的引导词,而them不可以,如果选C或D则是一句话中有两个谓语动词,就出现错误了。A和B的区别在于all of 后面动词用复数形式,each of 是单属形式,所以B正确。

13 答案:D

解析:考查词组辨析。此题关键在于看懂barriers(障碍)所以两国会面的目的在于消除障碍。只有D符合题意。A化妆,编造,组成,和好。B用光用尽 C 调低

14 答案:A

解析:主语从句考查。在I think后面的宾从中嵌套了主从,有后面的空的位置可看出缺少主语,所以直接填what即可。


解析:虚拟语气的考查。这道题是省略if的虚拟,由主句的would not have been可知是对过去的虚拟,从句用过去完成时即可,所以选D项。




16. B 根据后句但是需要在巴西工作,以及grade(跳级)一词可知这里是指妈妈得到了工作的晋升。Promote符合题意。A吸引 C惊奇 D表扬

Promote: to cause (someone) to do something

1. Curiosity prompted her to ask a few questions.

2. The evidence prompted a criminal investigation.

3. I don't know what prompted him to leave .

提升 提拔

I was promoted to editor and then editorial director...

同义词:inspire cause encourage advance


18. A .but一词表示转折,出去工作必定会离开自己的朋友,所以是leave。

19.C. 前句出现puzzeled说明作者当时还不理解母亲说的话,所以当天一直在想,用wondering。A解释 B睡觉 D后悔

20.D 通过母亲与作者的一席话可知,作者认为这对于成年人来说是艰难的决定,后文也提到了tough decision。

Tough:hard strong difficult,hard to bear

The competition was tough


Eager:anxious,keen impatient,hungry,thirsty

Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.

the children's eager faces

22.B 尽管与母亲每天都通电话,但是作者在后文提到however,说明电话并不能代替母亲出现在她们面前,用presence更符合题意。A耐心,C智慧 D影响

23.C 由后句的lonely可知,母亲在国外的生活比较孤单,所以公寓是empty。

24. B。此题考查词组辨析,A对…有兴趣 B知道,清楚 C.对…怀疑 D. 对…感到满意

25.D.强调句式,it is that,就在那个时候作者才渐渐开始明白并欣赏tough decisions

26 .B. 母亲需要权衡家庭和工作,所以用balance。A抛弃 C对比 D混合

27.C 词组辨析,根据动宾搭配原则可知,面临着困难,所以选faced with。A依靠着 B提供 C坚持

28 C 空前的and连接说明两个词词性一样,passion热情是褒义词,所以后文说要有积极的态度。选Cpositive

29 D. 作者受到妈妈的鼓励,回家后也不短提醒自己要努力做 警告

30A manage to do表示成功地做某事。

31C 通过去国外去看望母亲,作者渐渐学会来如何独立,independent符合,A 感激的 B活力四射的 D 实用的

32 D 根据动宾搭配原则,set 后面加上goals表示设定目标。

33 B 对于作者来说这次去国外看母亲生活与工作的经历教会来自己很多,所以是experience。A问题 C历史 D场合

34 A 词组辨析。刚开始作出的牺牲现在都得到回报。Pay off 取得回报 B回来 C用光 D出现

35.A 作者与母亲分别的几年最终证明是对自己很好的选择。Blessing幸福,福利。迷惑选项是D 愉快并不能表达作者此时此刻的心情,作者认为这次经历更多的是幸福。


36 C. 从关键词TWU cafeteria 一词定位第一自然段,便可推出C,难度较低。

37 A 此类容易错选D,但是只要细心会发现D项中Sunday与原文的第三自然段最后一句话相悖,所以错误。

38 D 由关键词WellnessCenter可知定位Health 一段,推出D。

39 C 定位Writing Center。由Academic 一段中第三句话you can sign up for an appointment on可知C正确。

40 D TWU express 定位最后一段便可知于transport相关。


41. D 细节理解题。有文章第二自然段第一句话After many tiring book signing tours from city to city 可知D是作者发明Longpen的目的。

42 B 细节理解题 第二自然段很清楚的介绍了Longpen的工作原理,迷惑选项是C项,由文章介绍可知并非是webcam将作者的签名发送到另一个城市。

43 C 细节理解题 此题属于较简单类型,有文章第三自然段即可退出C选项。

44 B 细节理解题 文章第四自然段中it could increase credit card security and allow people to sign up the contract 可推出B项。

45 A 推断题 由最后一段中Atwood所说的话可知尽管对于longpen现在还有很多质疑的声音,但是他并不想放弃。


46 C 细节理解题 定位原文第三段最后一句话He wants me to settle down, but now I wanted him to find an adventure.可知父亲不喜欢孩子现在的生活状态。

47.D 细节理解题 注意题目问的是作者的而非父亲,容易错选B,而B项是父亲的想法。

48 B 细节理解题 从划线句子以及上一句可以看出作者对于父爱的理解。

49 D 推断题 由文章父子俩的对话以及相互理解可以看出,两个人的思想已经于原来有所转化。I tell him I’ve decided to settled down.可知D正确。

50 C 推断题 根据文章整体理解,可以看出文章围绕作者和父亲的旅行展开,他们因为旅行对人生转换了看法。


51.C 细节理解题 关键词national sickness可以定位到文章第二段最后一句话,由此可知人们现在walking的很少,而坐车的很多,所以C选项正确。

52 .A 细节理解题 从第三自然段中可以看出作者年轻时walking还是很流行的,所以A所表达的意思正确。B项作者只是提到 25miles是人们认为的比较好的walking距离,并非说人们每天通常都走25miles。所以B项错误。

53 B 细节理解题 定位Henry Thoreau这个人,由第五段中对他所表达的观点可以看出,walking有很多的好处,可以丰富我们的思想。

54 A 词义猜测题 先弄清楚them指的是不喜欢接触自然的人,而对他们来说安全来自于很多的cars,而非walking。所以A项正确。

55 D主旨大意题 文章写作目的明确,从最后一段也可以看出,作者呼吁人们多去走路。所以D项正确。



第一、 二部分

1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C

6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B

11. C 12. B 13.C 14. D 15. A

16. B 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. A

21. C 22. D 23. D 24 .C 25. C

26. A 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. A

31. D 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. A

36. A 37. B 38. D 39. D 40. D

41. A 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. C

46. B 47. B 48. B 49. A 50. A

51. B 52. C 53.C 54. D 55.C



As summer vacation are coming soon, my classmates are 56. is

trying very hardly to get train tickets to go home. But 57.hard

I have made up my minds to spend the vacation far from 58. mind

home for∧ first time in my life. My parents have agreed 59.the

to visiting me, and I will have a different vacation. When 60.visit

they came here, I will show them around my university 61. come

and the city just as well. I have decided to buy them 62. just

some nice gifts. It will be a big surprising for them. My 63.surprise

parents have done a lot for me, and I think it is high time 64.∨

that I did anything special to express my thanks. 65.something

五、One Possible Version:

What can I do for our environment?

Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in.

详细解析: style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">2009年山东英语高考完形填空题目及其答案!

前半句while watching tv,其省略了主语和be动词,可还原为while ( we were ) watching tv,说明其主语为人,根据主语一致性,排除AB。

再根据hear sb do/doing sth ,排除D。所以正确答案为C。




Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more __36__, waiting for the final school bell. Upon its _37____everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David

David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often _38___what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so __39__ for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David __40__. I can still remember he was always __41____a smile and willing to help. He always __42__after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He__43___just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly__44___home

Weeks passed and the __45___over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of__46__before the holiday break. I smiled in ___47 __as the last of them hurried out the door. Turning around I saw David ___48___standing by my desk.

“I have something for you ”he said and ____49____from behind his back a small box .__50___it to me, he said anxiously, “Open it ”I took the box from him ,thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lifted the lid and to my __51__saw nothing. I looked at David‘s smiling face add back into the box and said,“The box is nice ,David ,but it’s__52__”

“Oh no it isn’t”said David.“It’s full of love. My mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there.”

Tears filled my eyes ___53___Iooked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given____54___to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning ___55___the little empty box set on my desk

36. A. anxious B. courageous C. serious D. cautious

37. A. warning B. ringing C. calling D. yelling

37. A. scolded B. wondered C. realized D. learned

39. A. modestly B. naturally C. inaccurately D. inappropriately

40. A. popular B. upset C. special D. funny

41. A. expressing B. delivering C. wearing D. sharing

42. A. practised B. wandered C. studied D. stayed

43. A. would B. should C. might D. could

44. A. aim at B. turn to C. put off D. head for

45. A. argument B. excitement C. movement D. judgment

46. A. school B. year C. education D. program

47. A. relief B. return C. vain D. control

48. A. weakly B. sadly C. quietly D. helplessly

49. A. searched B. found C. raised D. pulled

50. A. Holding B. Handing C. Sending D. Leaving

51. A. delight B. expectation C. appreciation D. surprise

52. A. cheap B. empty C. useless D. improper

53. A. as B. until C. because D. though

54. A. advice B. support C. attention D. command

55. A. from B. behind C. over D. towards


36-40 A B B D C 41-45 C D A D B 46-50 A A C D B

51-55 D B A C B






1-5 ACACB 6-10 CBABA 11-15 BA
































76. The success of Jean Paul Getty/ Jean Paul Getty

s achievement

77. cannot bring happiness./ cannot bring him a happy life./ doesn

t mean anything.

78. Though he was wealthy, Getty was so mean./ Wealthy as he was, Getty was so mean.

79. He kidnapped Getty

s grandson and demanded lots of money.

80. His contribution to the art world




Dear Tom,



















email where you asked me the plan during the summer vacation last week.

After the examination, I intend to go travelling to visit several vacation spots. First, I will fly

to Jinan, a popular tourist destination for its spring and long history. After the 3-day visit of Jinan,

I will head for Mountain Tai, the symbol of Shandong, where I will have a bird-view on the top of

the mountain and taste the mysterious culture. Finally, I will board the train to Qingdao and enjoy

the rest of the journey because of wonderful scenes, beautiful beach and fresh air. My trip will last 7 days.



 Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a tops. The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer — Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.

 1. Over a century ago, Mauritius _______.

 A. was an independent country

 B. belonged to India

 C. was one of the British colonies

 D. was a small island in the Pacific Ocean

 2. The mistake on the stamps was made _______.

 A. in Mauritius

 B. at Mauritius Government House

 C. in a post office

 D. in London

 3. Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for _______.

 A. fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds

 B. twelve Two Penny Blues

 C. one One Penny Orange-Red

 D. one Two Penny Blue

 答案与解析 本文讲述的是本来不值钱的邮票由于印刷错误却使其价值倍增。

 1. C。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句… more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean可知答案为C。

 2. A。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius可知答案选A。

 3. D。事实细节题。根据文章最后一句Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it 可知答案为D。




 Wh-特殊问句; From the text…,According to…,True/not true,划线词语、句子,简单计算、排列事件顺序、识图等。





 文章为了表达得准确严密,很注意对范围的限定。有的是通过加上相应的词语限制,如涉及到数量时常用many,almost all,nearly,more than,over,only a few,normally等限制。有些干扰项是通过改变或去掉限定词语,甚至是扩大或缩小了语言范围。







 What' s the topic/subject of the text/the second paragraph?

 What is stated in…? The text is cheifly concerned with_______。









 The story suggests that___________. It can be inferred that_____________.

 The story implies that _____________. It can be concluded that __________.

 We can learn that _______________.









 ②利用语境及逻辑关系猜词。有时完全可以利用上下文语境和前后句之间的并列、因果、转折、对比、解释定义和举例等关系来猜测词义。同时特别留心某些词语,例如:or, that is, in other words, including, although, but, or, even if, on the other hand, on the contrary, other than, rather than, more than, instead of等词语之后的内容。





 Look to many of history?s cultural symbols, and there you?ll find an ancestor of Frosty, the snowman in the movie Frozen. It appeared on some of the first postcards, starred in some of the earliest silent movies, and was the subject of a couple of the earliest photos, dating all the way back to the 1800s. I discovered even more about one of humanity?s earliest forms of life art during several years of research around the world.

 For example, snowmen were a phenomenon in the Middle Ages, built with great skill and thought. At a time of limited means of expression, snow was like free art supplies dropped from the sky. It was a popular activity for couples to leisurely walk through town to view the temporary works of chilly art. Some were created by famous artists, including a 19-year-old Michelangelo, who in 1494 was appointed by the ruler of Florence, Italy, to build a snowman in his mansion?s courtyard.

 The Miracle of 1511 took place during six freezing weeks called the Winter of Death. The city of Brussels was covered in snowmen?an impressive scene that told stories on every street corner. Some were political in nature, criticizing the church and . Some were a reflection of people?s imagination. For the people of Brussels, this was a defining moment of artistic freedom. At least until spring arrived, by which time they were dealing with damaging floods.

 If you fear the heyday of the snowman has passed, don?t worry: I?ve learned that some explosive snowman history is still being made today. Every year since 1818, the people of Zurich, Switzerland, celebrate the beginning of spring by blowing up a snowman. On the third Monday of April, the holiday Sechselauten is kicked off when a cotton snowman called the Boogg is stuffed with explosive and paraded through town by bakers and other tradesmen who throw bread to the crowds. The parade ends with the Boogg being placed on a 40-foot pile of firewood. After the bells of the Church of St. Peter have rung six times, representing the passing of winter, the pile is lit. When the snowman explodes, winter is considered officially over?the quicker it is burnt down, the longer summer is said to be.

 66. According to the passage, why did snowmen become a phenomenon in the Middle Ages?

 A. People thought of snow as holy art supplies.

 B. People longed to see masterpieces of snow.

 C. Building snowmen was a way for people to express themselves.

 D. Building snowmen helped people develop their skill and thought.

 67. ?The heyday of the snowman? (paragraph 4) means the time when___________.

 A. snowmen were made mainly by artists

 B. snowmen enjoyed great popularity

 C. snowmen were politically criticized

 D. snowmen caused damaging floods

 68. In Zurich, the blowing up of the Boogg symbolizes__________________.

 A. the start of the parade

 B. the coming of a longer summer

 C. the passing of the winter

 D. the success of tradesmen

 69. What can be concluded about snowmen from the passage?

 A. They were appreciated in history

 B. They have lost their value

 C. They were related to movies

 D. They vary in shape and size

 参考答案:66. C 67. B 68. C 69. A


 Scary Bunny

 The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) is the first full-length feature film made by directors Nick Park and Steve Box with their amazing plasticine (粘土) characters Wallace and Gromit. It won an Oscar in 2006, and if you watch it, you?ll understand why. It?s an absolutely brilliant cartoon comedy.

 Cheese-loving inventor Wallace and his brainy dog Gromit have started a company to protect the town?s vegetables from hungry rabbits. However, just before the annual Giant Vegetable Competition, an enormous rabbit begins terrorising the town. It is attacking all the vegetables and destroying everything in its path. The competition organizer, Lady Tottington, hires Wallace and Gromit to catch the monster alive. But they will have to find the were-rabbit before gun-crazy hunter Victor Quartermaine who is desperate to kill it.

 The screenplay is witty and full of amusing visual jokes. As usual, the voice of Peter Sallis is absolutely perfect for the role of Wallace, and Gromit is so beautifully brought to life, he can express a huge range of emotions without saying a word. And both Helena Bonham-Carter, who plays the part of Lady Tottington, and Ralph Fiennes as Victor are really funny.

 To sum up, The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is an amazing film which is suitable for both children and adults. If you liked Wallace and Gromit?s previous adventures and you appreciate the British sense of humour, you?ll love this film. Don?t miss it!

 70. In the film review, what is paragraph A mainly about?

 A. The introduction to the leading roles B. The writer?s opinion of acting

 C. The writer?s comments on the story D. The background information

 71. According to the film review, ?the monster? (paragraph B) refers to ______.

 A. a gun-crazy hunter B. a brainy dog

 C. a scary rabbit D. a giant vegetable

 72. Which of the following is a reason why the writer recommends the film?

 A. It?s full of wit and humour.

 B. Its characters show feelings without words.

 C. It is an adventure film directed by Peter Sallis.

 D. It is about the harmony between man and animals.

 参考答案:70. D 71. C 72. A


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