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tamoadmin 2024-08-03 人已围观

简介短文改错有时候单看一行是很难发现错误的,必须通篇考虑来做改动。下面给你几个例子吧。It rained very hey last summer and the little 1___stream near our house became a big river.It burst banks 2and the fields all around was soon full of wate



It rained very hey last summer and the little 1___

stream near our house became a big river.It burst banks 2

and the fields all around was soon full of water.Luckily 3

the water didn’t reach for any of the houses in our 4___

village.And the bursting water from the river 5___

carry away our beautiful wooden bridge,which 6___

was more than three hundred years old and we were 7___

very sorry to lose the oldest things that we he had 8___

for so long time.We’re building a new one,but it 9____

will not be the same bridge which we had before. 10___


1.hey—heily (形副倒置) 2. banks前加 its(限定词不能少)

3. was—were (主谓一致,主语fileds故谓语were) 4. 去掉 for (reach为及物动词直接跟宾语)

5. And—But (前后为转折关系) 6. carry—carried (整体时态为过去式)

7.正确 8. he—had

9. time前加 a (固定短语) 10. which--as(the same。。 as为固定搭配,as引导定语从句)



1.I wanted to swim in the river, where some woman villagers were washing clothes。答案:woman改为women。此为名词单复数错误。

2.rule.Books in library put in a certain order to help people find that they want. 答案:put前加are构成被动语态。此为动词语态错误

6......After eating the big meal, she told me that we must lee .答案:讲she改为he。(文章前部分讲述的是我和表弟去吃饭)此为偷换主语或宾语(好多情况也是宾语出这样的错),而这种错误往往是要通过上下文或通篇看文章才能发现的。

7.双谓语错误:He will do what he can become famous。答案:become前加to。因为不加to的话,become famous为谓语动词形式,而该句子已经有谓语will do,不能再来一个谓语(英语中一个独立的句子只能有一个谓语),所以加to,to become famous为不定式做目的状语。

I went to see film after.On my way to the_________ after改later,如果是介词after 后面必须跟一个状态或

cinema,I met an old English woman,she had lost her_____________ had去掉,迷路就是迷路,表示一个状态,不需要用过去完成时。

way.I ge up the chance to see the film,walking towards________walking改walked, ge up 放弃和walked走过去是依次做的动作。

her and took her to her hotel.While go there,I told her______ go改going,因为前面的While

great change had taken place in the past few years and she _______ change改changes,因为变化都是复数的

told me something about britain and her family________ britain改Britain,国名首字大写

Though I missed the film,however I felt very hy,______ however去掉,与Though同样表示转折的意思

for i not only helped the old lady out from trouble but also_______ i要大写成I ****见最后

practise my spoken English. If I didn't worked hard at ______ worked改work,didn't 后面用原形 ****见最后

English,I would he been able to help her____________ would改would not



Though I missed the film, I felt very hy, for I not only helped the old lady out from trouble but also practise* my spoken English


“在正式写作中,not only…but also 结构应这样用: 每一个成分后都跟一个相同形式的结构。 当第二部分只是强调第一部分时,在not only 结构里 also 通常省略:

He not only wanted the diamond but wanted it desperately.



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