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tamoadmin 2024-07-02 人已围观







 1. Myself

I am … , I am … years old . I look thin and tall . I like English very much . I like playing basketball and listening to music. I hope I can learn English well and go into the high school.

2.My family

I have a very happy family.There are five people in my family.They are my father, my mother, my brother,my sister and I.My father is a farmer,my mother is a farmer, too.They are very kind.My brother is a worker,he is very hard.My sister and I are students.We are very hard-working.

3.My friend

I have many friends. ** * is my best friends .He/she is short with long hair. He is interesting and outgoing.She/He likes studying. He wants to be a teacher in the future .

4.My teacher

In my school life,I have many teachers. Mrs *** is my favourite teacher. She teaches us English. She’s tall. She always has sweet smile on her face. She is very kind and friendly to all the students. We all love her very much!

5. My school life I am a student in a middle school.During my school day,I am very busy.I get up at 6:00 everyday.I have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon.After class, I often play games with my classmates .Then, I do my homework by myself.That’s my school day.

6.My hobby

My hobby is collecting stamps.I think collecting stamps is very interesting and educational.I have been collecting stamps for six years.I spent lots of money collecting stamps. Would you like to enjoy my stamps.I believe you will like them.

7. My father

My father is a farmer ,he is tall with short hair. He is always very busy ,he works in the field all the year .He hardly has a rest ,I decide to study well and make him happy. I won’t let him down .

My mother

My mother is a good wife and good mother, she is hard –working ,she is always busy ,she has to make the bed ,clean the yard ,feed animals ,cook for us and so on ,I think she is very great. I love her very much.

8.My favorite season

There are four seasons in a year. My favorite season is spring.In spring, every thing begins to grow. The days get warmer and warmer. The trees turn green and the flowers come out. We also can go on a trip in spring .I like spring best.

10.My favourite Subject

My favourite subject is English. It’s very interesting and useful. If you study English well, you can talk with other people in English-speaking countries. So I often practice speaking English as possible as I can. Do you like English?

11.My favourite pop star

Of all the pop stars,I like Hanhong best .Although she isn`t very beautiful, she sings very well. She is kind and friendly. Her songs make me feel happy and excited. I like her very much.

12.My favourite animal

I love animals.My favourite animal is the koala bear. He is from Australia.He sleeps during the day.But at night ,he gets up and eats leaves.He’s a little shy. I like it very much.

13.My healthy lifestyle

I often walk to school .I exercise every day .My eating habits are pretty good . I try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits every day ,and I sleep eight hours every night. My good healthy lifestyle helps me to study better.

14. My dream

Everyone has own dream.My dream is to be a reporter,because I like talking with other people.I think I will meet many interesting people,and I can learn a lot of interesting things.From now on,I will study harder and harder.I hope my dream will come true one day.

15.My room

I have a small room ,there are many books on the table and

there is also a clock on the table.there’re some beautiful pictures on the wall. My room is always clean. My mum helps me clean it everyday. I love my room very much.

16.My good habit

Everyone has many good habits.Now let me tell you my good habit.I often get up very early and keep doing morning exercise. I read all kinds of books for two hours every day. And I often help my parents do the housework in my free time.I think these habits are very good for me.I will keep them all the time.

17. My hometown

My hometown is zhongwei .She has a long history.There, people are very friendly.And the food is very dedicious and cheap. There are many places of interest such as shapotou and high temple are very beautiful .I love my hometown very much

18.Library rules

Library is a public place that we can read many books and magazines.

Here are some library rules:First, keep the library clean and tidy. Second, protect the library books well. Next, return the books on time. Then,don’t smoke,eat or talk. Finally, don’t make any noises.I hope everyone can obey these library rules.

19.Talk about your Weekend

I am a student, and I am in my third year in a middle school. I’m very busy with my lessons everyday.I am free only on weekend. So I usually have to spend three or four hours in my studying .I often do some washing on Saturday afternoon. In the evening ,I watch TV with my family.If the weather is fine, I often go out to play games with my friend on Sundays. Sometimes I also help my parents do some cooking . After supper, I read English for an hour ,then go to bed early. Because I have to go to school the next day.

20.What do you do in your free time?

I am very happy in my free time, because I can do the things what I want to do , and because I don’t have to go to school and I have no homework. So,I often play basketball with my friend,I often read story books and watch TV in my free time.

21.When you make friends, what is important to you?

How to make friends? First, I think honest is very important to me. Second, Help others all the time. Third, they should be polite each other, shouldn’t argue with others.Finally, they are lively and friendly.

22.Please make some rules for your class.

Our class is very well,because we have strict rules.For example, Don’t eat in class. Don’t shout in class.Don’t run in the classroom. Don’t ride the bike .Don’t fight . Please listen to teachers carefully.

如何准备高考英语口语考试:普通高考考外语类专业或考涉外专业(如国际金融、国际贸易、涉外会计、科技英语等)的考生需要参加省统一组织的英语口试。统一组织的英语口试是普通高考的重要组成部分,是教育部明文规定每个考外语类专业或考涉外专业的考生应该参加的选拔性考试。普通高考考外语类专业或考涉外专业(如国际金融、国际贸易、涉外会计、科技英语等)的考生需要参加省统一组织的英语口试。统一组织的英语口试是普通高考的重要组成部分,是教育部明文规定每个考外语类专业或考涉外专业的考生应该参加的选拔性考试。英语口试主要目的是检测考生是否具有学习外语专业或相关专业的潜能,满足高校外语类专业或涉外专业准确地选拔适合培养人才的需要。外语口试成绩不计入考生高考总分,仅供高校相关专业录取时参考。下面是整理的一些材料,供大家参考。一、口语越来越重要。各大学要求口语分数越来越高。多年来,每到高考前夕,准备考外语专业的学生和他们的家长都要东奔西走,打听英语口语是怎么回事,如何为口试备考。在这里简单介绍一下高考口试内容、形式、考试方式、过程以及经常出现的问题等,然后推荐一些备考的有效方法,为“临时抱佛脚”的考生也“支点招”。二、英语口试内容1,朗读。在考生拿到的一个英语故事上,用星号标出100-10字的一两段,让考生大声读出来:也有的时候,考签上单设一项,印出几个句子专门供朗读使用。此项主要考查考生的与语音、语调、重读、连续。、意群、停顿等。,就所读的故事用英语回答问题。这篇故事或短文大约0-00字,学生完全可以读懂,因为凡是中学课本上没有出现过的词,都给注上音标和解释。老师就故事内容问-个问题,前面是简单的问题,最后一个问题较难一些,例如:这个故事告诉我们什么?此项考查学生的理解、反应快?有的学生拿到的不是一个故事,而是一幅或一组图画,让考生用英语描写图画表现的故事,如四幅画:第一幅一个小男孩骑着自行车飞跑;第二幅一辆轿车飞驰而来;第三幅小孩被撞到了;第四幅小孩被送到医院了。考生要用英语讲述这个故事。,自由交谈。读完故事或图画的内容之后,老师还会问几句日常生活中的问题,例如,你在哪所中学上学,你的老师是谁,你喜欢英语吗,你将来打算做什么工作等。这一项主要考查考生在毫无准备的情况下反应的快慢和语言的准确性。,口语小作文。作文题目一般印在试卷上,但也有时候不印在试卷上。所以学生有时口语事先思考一下说些什么。三、口语的形式与步骤口试的形式一般是这样的:考生现在备考室准备十分钟,按考签上的内容稍加准备,如阅读故事,准备要朗读的那个段落,想一想考官会问什么问题以及应该如何回答,看看有没有小作文的题目,若有,也想想自己能说些什么。之后,考生进入考场,每个考场至少有两位主考老师。一位主考,另一位做些记录,有时也问一两个问题。考试时间为-10分钟。因为怕后面考的考生得知试题(即另一个小故事和口语作文等);上下午的试卷也不一样。具体地说:1,考生在准备室准备-分钟。准备时,将试题的学生用卷发给考生。,考生在准备室阅读短文,并构思口头作用。,考生进入考场,按照主考老师的要求,完成各项考生任务。,考试时间约为-分钟。,考试成绩采用分制:分为优秀,分为良好,分及,分不及。个别时候也可以用加号或减号。,考试结束后,注意将卷子收回。考生不得将卷子和笔记带出考场。四、高考口试中学生经常出现的问题1,学生发音较差,主考教师听不懂。朗读时一个字一个字地往外蹦,读不出意群,显然不太理解所读的句子,连读更谈不上了。,考生听不懂主考教师的问话。考生自己发音差,所以听不懂别人讲话。由于进入不了交流状态,口试进行不下去。,故事理解有误,或者不够深刻,这是扣分最多。误读了故事恐怕不会及。但是,一般情况下,故事都不很难懂,因为口试主要考查考生口头表达能力。,回答问题时,考生讲话中的时态。人称、单数复读的用法错误较多,把现在时说称过去时,把HE说成SHE,复读不加-S,第三人称单数动词又不加-s等现象,相当常见。,口语不流利,断断续续,常说半句话,总是在另起句子,到最后也讲不出几个完整的句子。,把直接引语变成间接引语比较困难,大部分考生会在这方面犯错误。,回答有关故事的最后一个问题相当困难,一方面这个问题要求考生从故事中抽象出它的主题思想。考生不会用简单的英语说出重要的警示或劝告。,口语作文太短,说不到两三句话就停在那里呢。此外,还有个别考生进入考场后十分紧张,手脚发抖,嘴唇也抖,忘了准考证,忘了伞、钥匙、书包等等,这种状态很难说好英语,考试成绩也不会很理想。五、如何帮助学生那么,针对以上情况,考生应该如何准备口试呢,这个问题口语分两种情况讲,一种是考生平时应该注意什么,一种是考生如何“临时抱佛脚”。高三这一年做什么?1,让学生平常多朗读课文,跟着录音读,模仿录音上的语音语调,有意识地纠正自己的语音,把自己的朗读录下来,与原版录音对比,找出问题。,让学生常听简单的故事,提高自己的听力,要熟悉英语的音、调、正常速度等,免得考试时听不懂考官的问题。,领着学生就所学课文反复做回答练习,或者自问自答,或者与同学一问一答。,领着学生对所学课文进行复述。复述时,一开始可以先写好了再说,逐步练到不用事先写出稿子就能做到即兴发言。噢 顺便一提 我目前上的ABC天芐英语中心的教师和我提到 事实上要掌握好英语是不难的 必须要有一个适合的学习情境以及熟练口语对象 这取决于外教资质,纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)才可以,坚决每天口语交流 1对1加强化教学才能有很.好.的学习成效!课后需要重复温习课程录音音频 更可以加深印象。若真的是没人帮忙的环境 最好能到 VOA或爱思得到课后材料练习 多说多练很快的语境会提高起来 学习效益是绝对快速显着的 ,口语水平的提高是不容易的,要坚持平时多联系,尽量不要等到离高考还有几天才想到要练口语,临时突击危险太大,失误机会太多。,对准备考外语专业的学生可组成口语小组,定期集体练习临时抱佛脚(笔试之后的两天)总有些考生到考试的最后几天才感到了问题的严重性,怎么办?我虽然反对“临时突击”式的口语练习,但对些没准备好的考生也不能“见死不救”,也可以支几招。1,笔试之后,找几篇小故事来,先朗读几遍,再练习回答。,关于口语小作文,也可以自己事先准备几篇,不是为了猜题,但是练习几篇作文总比不练习好些,至少能使自己进入状态。,做好以上两件事,剩下就靠临场发挥了。首先,调整好心态,告诉自己,不要紧张,第一,自己已经有所准备,不是毫无准备,树立一定的信心。第二,紧张是无济于事的。,充分利用十分钟的备考,拿到考签之后,先看一共几个任务,千万别漏掉一项。,准备回答问题时,记住搞清楚是该用过去时还是用现在时,用什么人称合适,想一项故事的主题思想是什么,用英语怎么说。学会用自己学过的简单的单词说明主题。,“不要干坐在那里”是有用的忠告。,关于口语小作文,也口语有点小窍门。比如,描写一个人物,描绘得泛一些,将来可以用于谈论任何人,可以谈父母,老师和最好的朋友。[发布:互联网编辑:互联网

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